South Side Story

… Driving back one stormy afternoon in Mississippi from the Delta to Jackson, and excited by the dark sky, the rain, the lightening, the lights of cars and trucks, the spray that rose window-high from heavy wheels, I began to be aware of the great pleasure I had taken in traveling in the South. Romance, a glow of hopefulness and freedom, had already begun to touch the earlier stages of the journey...

... But in this flat land of small fields and small ruins there were also certain emotions that were too deep for word...

V.S. Naipaul "A turn in the South"

...Passing tourists, weddings, recreation areas, the natural elegance of the Afro Americans and the lovely way they have of graciously folding their hands or simply letting them hang lightly, like beautiful and precious objects, the mystery of situations rendered intriguing by the brief glimpse we are afforded of them. Events captured even as they unfold, then left in suspense, moods – these photographs are rapid sketch, mere outlines which leave the imagination free...

Yves Auquier. South Side Story 1992